The Terrible Men Who Control This Place

The Terrible Men Who Control This Place
Coming soon.
Coming Soon

An artists rendering of the_d0ug.

I started this site to showcase Terrible Men's work.  This is their story:  the_d0ug had a friend who also like to do this sort of material, his friend was (and still is) Gimpy.  The pair call themselves 'Terrible Men.'  the_d0ug and Gimpy set out not only to cause pain, but to confuse. And confuse they did, they're collections of short flash animations have left people terrified, disturbed, and down right retarded after viewing. 
Why would they do this?  No one's really sure, but I have a hunch it had something to do with psychology.
(Right: One shaken artists rendering of the_d0ug after claiming he saw him in a public restroom.  After the washroom incident, the artist wouldn't leave his room for days.)
(Picutres of Gimpy have never been successfully photographed, and/or drawn.)

The Search ofr the_d0ug and Gimpy continues...